
PQ1 Plinth Spike Kit

  • 판매
  • 정가 KRW 98,010 / Set
세금이 포함됨

Q11 Meta & Q7 Meta용 받침대 스파이크 키트

PQ1 받침대 스파이크는 뛰어난 견고함과 안정성을 위해 정밀하게 엔지니어링 되어 Q 시리즈 스피커를 최적의 위치에 배치할 수 있습니다. 이 스파이크는 외부 진동으로부터 분리를 강화해 스피커를 격리하고 공명을 최소화합니다. 조절 가능한 디자인으로 손쉽게 수평을 맞출 수 있으며 이상적인 청음 공간을 갖출 수 있습니다.
*스피커 별도 구매



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세트당 386g(0.85Ib)
단위 측정
8개 세트


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Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property
Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

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Select a property

Select a property

Select a property

Select a property
Select a property

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Q Concerto Meta Wired Speaker FAQs

What sets the KEF Q Concerto Meta wired speaker apart from other wired speakers?

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The Q Concerto Meta is the first 3-way bookshelf speaker in the Q Series.

Its use of Metamaterial Absorption Technology (MAT™), which significantly reduces distortion for cleaner sound,sets our Q Series speakers apart from other wired speakers on the market.

What is a 3-way speaker?

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A 3-way speaker system employs dedicated drivers to handle high frequencies, mid-range tones, and bass/low frequencies. By dividing the audio spectrum into these three distinct bands, each driver can be optimised for its specific role. This allows 3-way speakers to deliver a more refined, balanced, and immersive sound quality.

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